Save Your Thyroid is not only a slogan, it is our mission, a philosophy, and a healthy lifestyle aimed at spreading and promoting the technique and benefits of Thyroid Thermal Ablation as an innovative standard procedure to reduce and avoid unnecessary surgical interventions.
The project main goal is to raise awareness among patients, encouraging Thermal Ablation with proper indications, safeguarding the thyroid gland in order to keep its functions unaltered without scars, general anesthesia and without a lifelong need for thyroid hormone replacement therapy!

Masterclass on thyroid interventional procedures with practical sessions on realistic manikins, and mandatory attendance in outpatient or interventional operating room activities.
Training school
for the doctors
of tomorrow:
the SYT Academy
The school focuses on training doctors through dedicated courses that meet the standard requirements of international guidelines. Starting from simple thyroid ultrasound, it progresses to ultrasound-guided interventional techniques, and finally
organizes highly specialized courses to train the “trainers of tomorrow” through certified courses.

Experts in thermal ablation worldwide.
We do not engage in plain healthcare advertising or marketing; instead, we provide indications about specialists who have undergone a qualifying process and have extensive experience in performing thyroid interventional procedures. These names represent the pride of the national and international healthcare landscape due to their significant experience, a considerable number of procedures performed, and a scientifically renowned background demonstrated by scopus indices of scientific publications.

Experts in thermal ablation worldwide.
We do not engage in plain healthcare advertising or marketing; instead, we provide indications about specialists who have undergone a qualifying process and have extensive experience in performing thyroid interventional procedures. These names represent the pride of the national and international healthcare landscape due to their significant experience, a considerable number of procedures performed, and a scientifically renowned background demonstrated by scopus indices of scientific publications.

Gli esperti della
termoablazione in Italia
Non facciamo pubblicità o marketing sanitario spicciolo, noi diamo indicazioni sugli specialisti che realmente ci consta hanno seguito un percorso qualificante e hanno grande esperienza nella esecuzione delle procedure interventistiche tiroidee. Sono nomi che rappresentano il fiore all’occhiello del panorama sanitario nazionale ed internazionale per la grande esperienza, con un notevole numero di procedure eseguite e un background scientifico di grande rispetto dimostrato dagli indici scopus delle pubblicazioni scientifiche.

Experts in thermal ablation worldwide.
We do not engage in plain healthcare advertising or marketing; instead, we provide indications about specialists who have undergone a qualifying process and have extensive experience in performing thyroid interventional procedures. These names represent the pride of the national and international healthcare landscape due to their significant experience, a considerable number of procedures performed, and a scientifically renowned background demonstrated by scopus indices of scientific publications.

Experts in thermal ablation worldwide.
We do not engage in plain healthcare advertising or marketing; instead, we provide indications about specialists who have undergone a qualifying process and have extensive experience in performing thyroid interventional procedures. These names represent the pride of the national and international healthcare landscape due to their significant experience, a considerable number of procedures performed, and a scientifically renowned background demonstrated by scopus indices of scientific publications.
Spieza Stefano
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Today the choice is simple: be part of the project now or stay out forever!

Insights on
thyroid thermal
Thermal ablation, as the name suggests, is a procedure based on developing heath to cause necrosis, the death of the cells of the treated nodule or lesion. However, the word “ablation” carries within itself a contradiction that is worth explaining: in fact there isn’t an actual ablation, there is no surgical removal of the nodule, but the thermal effect caused by the energy delivered by the device into the tissue causes the death of the cells exclusively into the chosen area

Latest from the blog
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The ancient saying “You are what you eat” has a solid scientific basis.Our diet plays a fundamental role in supporting the health of every part of the body. Each organ and system has specific nutritional needs, and choosing the right foods can make a difference in preventing diseases and maintaining optimal health.In this article, we will explore some of the best foods for each part of the body, starting with the heart and then examining other important regions of our body.
The fight against cancer is one of the most crucial challenges in medical research. Prevention through a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet is a powerful weapon to reduce the risk of developing this disease. There are foods rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds that can be defined as anti-cancer. In this article, we will explore the 5 most powerful anti-cancer foods, known for their beneficial properties and their role in preventing this disease.
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is an essential factor in maintaining the health of hair, skin, and nails. It is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates in our body.

Our technological, research, and scientific development partners.
We believe in a common project aimed at research and information, with the goal of improving the lives of patients affected by thyroid disorders

Manufacturer of dedicated manikins for medical training

Med Italia Biomedica

Company and partner in organizing events and conferences

Pharmaceutical manufacturer of drugs studied for the thyroid gland functions

Manufacturer of natural supplements such as Selegin MP which helps and integrates compromised thyroid functions

Italian society of Ultrasounds in Medicine and Biology, President G. Iannetti, Secretary-general S. Spiezia

Manufacturer of ultrasound equipment

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