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The first portal in Europe dedicated to thyroid thermal ablation.

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SYT School

Protected: SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on RF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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SYT School

SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

PROGRAM jan 15 2025 / 2.00 pm – 7.00 pm: MW: principles and technique – Preop. Workup – OR Setting

sponsored courses
SYT School

Protected: SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on CRF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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monothematic courses
SYT School - Naples

SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on ethanol and thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

11-13 / DECEMBER PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 11 wednesday – 9.00 am – 7.00 pm part one: EA principles and technique –

sponsored courses
SYT School - Naples

SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on CRF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

4-5 / DECEMBER PROGRAM part one – 2.30 – 7.00 pm: Training hands-on session on dedicated platforms – State of

sponsored courses
SYT School

Protected: SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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sponsored courses
SYT School - Naples

Protected: SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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monothematic courses
SYT School - Naples

SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on thyroid nodules puncture and FNAC MASTERCLASS

23-25 / OCTOBER PROGRAM Wednesday 23  04 pm – 07 pm – part one: Introduction, slide presentation on Thiroid nodules

sponsored courses
SYT School - Naples

Protected: SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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sponsored courses
SYT School

Protected: SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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sponsored courses
SYT School - Naples

SaveYourThyroid© Academy course on CRF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

PROGRAM 2.30 – 7.00 pm part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform 08.30 am

sponsored courses
Syt School

SYT Academy Masterclass on CRF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

part one: case oservation of treatments with CRF systems. part two: presentation on, technique, complications management, hands-on session on dedicated

monothematic courses
Syt School

Thyroid nodules puncture and FNAC MASTERCLASS

Monday June 24 part one – 04 pm – 07 pm: Introduction, slide presentation on Thiroid nodules US report system

sponsored courses
Syt School

SYT Academy Masterclass on CRF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

part one: case oservation of treatments with CRF systems. part two: presentation on, technique, complications management, hands-on session on dedicated

sponsored courses
Syt School

Masterclass on percutaneous ethanol injection to treat thyroid cysts

09 am – 05 pm: technique presentation, hands-on training and live cases observation.       *The ticket price includes

sponsored courses
Syt School

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform. part two: treatments of patients with MW

monothematic courses
Syt School

Personalized intensive course in neck ultrasound, fine needle aspiration biopsy and minimally invasive techniques

Monday May 27: 09 am – 10.30 am: ⁠Introduction to the intensive course of neck ultrasound and minimally invasive techniques

sponsored courses
Syt School

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform. part two: treatments of patients with MW

sponsored courses
Syt School

SYT Academy Masterclass on CRF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

part one: case oservation of treatments with CRF systems. part two: presentation on, technique, complications management, hands-on session on dedicated

sponsored courses
Syt School

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with MW

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Ospedale del Mare / Clinica Ruesch

SYT Academy Masterclasses on RF thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

february 20, 2024 2.30 pm / part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform  

sponsored courses
SYT School

Masterclass on Microwave thermoablation of thyroid nodules – II masterclass

The Save Your Thyroid School of SIUMB, Naples, Italy II masterclass on Dec 13 and 14, 2023   Director of

monothematic courses
SYT School

Safe Thyroid Surgery

THE PROGRAM Monday 11 • Surgery Tuesday 12 • In office procedure, US fine-needle aspiration biopsy Wednesday 13 • Surgery

sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

Program: part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with

sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

Program: part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with

sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

Program: part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with

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Naples - SYT School

Microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

18 OCTOBER  2.30 – 7.00 pm Training hands-on session on dedicated platforms – State of the art and guide lines

sponsored courses
Naples - SYT School

Microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

4 OCTOBER  2.30 – 7.00 pm Training hands-on session on dedicated platforms – State of the art and guide lines

monothematic courses
SYT School

Masterclass on Microwave thermoablation of thyroid nodules – I masterclass

The Save Your Thyroid School of SIUMB, Naples, Italy I masterclass on Sep 20 and 21, 2023   Director of

sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

Program: part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with

sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

Program: part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with

sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

Program: part one: introduction, technique, complications management showcase, hand’s on session on dedicated platform part two: treatments of patients with

monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Thyroid nodules puncture and FNAC – MASTERCLASS

PROGRAM Thursday 20: 02 pm – 04 pm: Introduction, slide presentation on Thiroid nodules US report system or Tirads, Fnac

sponsored courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Protected: Microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

How to set up a successful thyroid thermal ablation practice and manage the new generation MW systems

Program: Part one: introduction, technique, complications’ management, showcase, hands on session with dedicated platform Part two: treatments of patients with

sponsored courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Protected: Microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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sponsored courses
Cairo, Egypt / Saudi German Hospital

Protected: SYT Academy Masterclasses on MW thermal ablation of thyroid nodules

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monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Thyroid nodules puncture and FNAC

Thursday May 25 02 pm – 04 pm Introduction, slide presentation on Thiroid nodules US report system or Tirads, Fnac

sponsored courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Protected: Thyroid Nodules’ RF Thermal Ablation

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monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Microwave thermal ablation of thyroid nodules Masterclass

Program 3 Maggio 2.30 pm – 7.00 pm State of the art and guide lines MW: principles and technique Indications

monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Microwawe thermal ablation of thyroid nodules Masterclass

Training hands-on session on dedicated platforms - State of the art and guide lines - MW: principles and technique -

monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Corso sulla termoablazione MW dei noduli tiroidei

i partecipanti si eserciteranno sulla tecnica della termoablazione MW

monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Corso sull’agoaspirato tiroideo

I partecipanti si eserciteranno sulla tecnica dell'ago aspirato.

monothematic courses
Napoli - Scuola SYT

Corso sulla alcolizzazione delle cisti tiroidee

Corso breve ed intensivo ( tre partecipanti unica sessione mattutina) con esercitazione utilizzando un fantoccio.

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