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The first portal in Europe dedicated to thyroid thermal ablation.



Gynecological Model

Thyroid interventional procedures’platforms

For storage update, products costs could change at the moment of confirmation.

MYO-B01 – Uterine Fibroids (Myomas) Thermal Ablation Skills Training Platform

• Applicable for RF, MW, laser ablation and other gynecological procedures

• Includes a portable case, an uterus (MYO-S01), a conductive contact block for RFA (MYO-S02) and a nonconductive contact block (MYO-S03)


Uterus with two 3.2 cm OD fibroids embedded for thermal ablation


Training school
for the doctors
of tomorrow:
the SYT Academy

The school focuses on training doctors through dedicated courses that meet the standard requirements of international guidelines. Starting from simple thyroid ultrasound, it progresses to ultrasound-guided interventional techniques, and finally
organizes highly specialized courses to train the “trainers of tomorrow” through certified courses.

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